What Is Self-Awareness and Why Is It Important?


Self-awareness is having a deep understanding of yourself. It’s being able to see yourself clearly through introspection. Many of us fear holding a mirror up to ourselves and discovering who we authentically are - for within the good there are also the parts we don’t like about ourselves.

But the more we understand who we are, the better our understanding of what it takes for us to thrive in our work and personal lives. We begin to understand what it is that we need to do to become the best version of ourselves.

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”

– Aristotle

Much of life is about this getting to know ourselves. I even think it’s perhaps our purpose in life. Right up until our last days, we are discovering new things about who we are. Our thoughts and opinions evolve based on our experiences and interactions with others. We are always changing and growing.

We must check in with ourselves at various times in life to reconnect with who we are, decide what needs to change, and make plans on how we are to become the best version of ourselves–so that we can create a life that fulfils us. When we have clarity and feel peace within, we are better at being able to help those around us and contribute to the world in a meaningful way.

How to become more self-aware

To become more self-aware involves allowing time to pause and reflect. We need to look within with honesty and kindness, asking ourselves a series of questions that uncover truths about who we are and what we need to thrive.

What makes you angry? What are your values? Who inspires you? Who brings you down? These are all questions that we can ask ourselves that help us become more self-aware.

I’ve created a free workbook to help you along and begin your journey of self-awareness.

Sign up at the end of this post and you can download and print it right away. When you have some time to yourself where you have space to think and reflect, work through each question honestly. By the end of it you will have a clearer picture of who you are and what feels meaningful.

Use the answers to improve your life

By going through the process of self-awareness we gain insight into what we would like to bring more of into our life, and what we hope to reduce. Bring more of the things into your life that inspire you, and reduce or let go of those that bring you down and sabotage your growth.

Make more time for those who are positive and bring out the best in you. Reduce time with those who bring you down, or seek help together to improve your relationship.

Eat more foods that help you feel light and energise you and cut back on those that leave you feeling tired and sluggish.

Remind yourself of the qualities you hope to embody and practise them daily.

Self-awareness isn’t about reaching perfection. That places too much stress on us and we don’t need to feel down because we aren’t reaching our ideal self. Use the process of becoming more self-aware as a loving guide to becoming a little stronger and wiser than you were yesterday.

When we become more self-aware it helps us navigate our path in life. It helps us make decisions that align with who we are, with what feels meaningful, and benefits the wellbeing of our future selves.