Chantelle Grady
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The Art of Living Well

Ideas for creating a life you love


There is an art to living well. Life isn’t linear. As we meander along our path, we face challenges. The greater we understand the ebbs and flows of life and ourselves, the greater we are at navigating and living a life we love.


Hello, I’m Chantelle.

I’m a writer and photographer, passionate about wellbeing. After my mother passed away and I became a mother myself, I began the journey of prioritising health and happiness. I learned of the importance of nurturing your body, soul and mind. And how beautiful life is when you slow down and notice your surroundings.

I share what I have learned–about living well and creating a fulfilling life. I write a journal about self-awareness and discovering what feels meaningful. About simplifying and creating beautiful moments in daily life. And about creating a home that nurtures us. My hope is that what I have learned may help and inspire you to create a life you love.

Learn more about Chantelle ⤖


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