How to Create a Healthy Morning Routine


The way that we start our morning can have a big impact on how we feel and how productive we are as we go about our day. It might seem to go against the Slow Living philosophy–since Slow Living is about slowing down and reducing the busy cycle that we fall into. But having some structure to your morning and starting it thoughtfully can help you feel more ease as you go about your day. Starting the day right can help create the space you desire to do more of what you love.

What is a morning routine?

A morning routine is a set of habits or activities that you perform consistently each morning. It can set your day up in a way that helps you be more focused and productive. Your routine might include time to meditate each morning, or reading something you are interested in learning. It might include journaling or sitting quietly with a cup of tea.

For myself, my morning routine has been quite consistent over the years. I’ve always been an early riser and like to head out for a run first thing. I have a big glass of water on return. I then spend some time reflecting–visualising the best version of myself and how I can live in a way that honours my values. Since having children, I’ve allowed time to get breakfast ready before they wake so that I’m not so rushed when they rise. I always make sure I’m showered and dressed before I need to help everyone else. And of course, there is space after breakfast for a slow cup of coffee.

There are many benefits to a morning routine.

It can help you be more productive. You feel good knowing that you have done something good for your wellbeing right from the start and it can help you stay focussed for the rest of the day. It helps you feel in control, when quite often life around you can feel out of control. It sets the tone for developing healthy habits. For example, you are more likely to eat well later in the day if you start the day with a nutritious meal. It helps improve your relationships. You will likely be kinder and more patient to those around you if you feel good about yourself. And it helps you connect within, providing space to turn inwards and reflect.

As you can see there are many positives. Many successful people start with a morning routine and swear by it. Having a healthy morning routine can have a flow on effect to many areas of your life.

How to start a morning routine

  1. Decide what time you will wake
    Firstly, figure out what time you need to wake. If your children wake at 5:30am then waking at 5am might give you the time you need. For myself, my children wake about 5:15am so I wake at 4:30am. It means I aim to get to bed no later than 8:30pm. This doesn’t always go to plan, but I have that bed time in mind so I know how much sleep I need to feel rested.

  2. Decide what matters most and schedule it in
    Think about what you value most and what you would most like to achieve, and prioritise those things in your routine. For me, exercise is an essential. I feel really good after a run. So I make that the first thing I do. I also tend to forget to drink water throughout the day, so I make sure I always have a big glass straight after my run.

  3. Get things ready the night before
    If you have what you need for your morning routine set up and ready, then it makes things flow easier in the morning. Have your running shoes and key ready by the front door. Or your meditation mat rolled out. Have your book available so that it’s easy to turn to the page. Make it easy for yourself to get straight into your routine.

  4. Put your alarm in a place that encourages you to get up
    It’s tempting to hit snooze when the alarm goes off in the morning. Having your alarm away from arms reach means that you have to get out of bed to turn it off, and are more likely not to return to bed.

  5. Be mindful during your routine
    It’s all well and good to have a list of things to tick off for your morning routine. But the key is being mindful of how you feel during your routine. Notice how good it feels to move your body or sit peacefully and listen to the sounds of the morning. Notice how warm your tea feels or how good it feels to write your thoughts in a journal. Mindfulness is a skill that can do wonders for our wellbeing. A morning routine where we aren’t interrupted by others is a good place to practice.

Having a morning routine sets you up for the day. The hardest part (like most things) is getting started. But having a plan in place and reminding yourself of why you are creating a morning routine and the benefits it will have, will help you push through that initial discomfort and procrastination.

As you do your morning routine consistently you will start to feel the benefits. And it will inspire you to make adjustments in other areas of your life that feel heavy and could use some attention.

I’ve created a worksheet to help you create your morning routine. Signup below to my newsletter to download it right away.