How to Simplify Decision Making

Making decisions can be overwhelming and cause a lot of angst. Many of us become paralysed when deciding on one thing over another. We want to make the best decision possible. Choosing one option means we could miss out on the good that comes from the other.

The fact is that there is no perfect decision. Every decision has pros and cons. The only way to know if a decision is the right path forward is to make one and see how it goes.

Here are a few ideas to help you simplify decision making:

  1. Look to your values

    If you're unsure what your values are, here is a post to help. When weighing up options, it helps to look at your values and see which decision aligns more closely with them. Values act like a compass, guiding us towards our desired path in life.

    For example, if one of your highest values is autonomy and you are deciding between two jobs, then choosing the job that allows for more independence and working alone would align better with that value.

    By reflecting on our values, we are more likely to choose an option that moves closer to what we care about and the direction we wish to go in life.

  2. See it as a learning experience

    If we look at each option as a learning experience, then it can take some of the pressure away. Learning - good or bad - is beneficial and will help us grow. Choosing a decision that might not end up all that great will still teach us about what we dislike. And help us make a different decision in the future.

    Sometimes it's worth taking a risk. Many of us fear risk, but without attempting different things we won’t know if it’s right for us. Regardless, we will come out the other side with a greater understanding of ourselves, as well as new skills and experiences.

  3. Listen to your heart

    Quite often we sense which decision is right, but our brain overrides how we feel and makes us doubt ourselves. Thinking a decision through is important, especially if our decision impacts others like our family and friends. But when we give too much time to thinking decisions through, fear can get in the way. It may lead us away from a decision that could be really beneficial for us.

    Ask yourself what your heart wants and see what comes up. If your heart aligns with your values and vision of your future self, then it might be worth listening to.

  4. Practise making decisions often

    The better we get with decision making, the easier the process will become. Making small daily decisions builds the skill and helps us learn to trust our choices. Decide between the options, put it into action and move on - without dwelling on whether it was the right decision or not.

    Making decisions early on when they are smaller will also reduce the chance of it snowballing into something bigger and more difficult to sort out later on.

Decision making can feel incredibly difficult. Many of us are perfectionists and want to make the best choice possible. But we often make it more stressful than it needs to be.

Regardless of the decision, our choice will move us along a path of learning and understanding more about ourselves. It might present new opportunities and encourage us to see life in a way we would otherwise have kept in the dark had we let indecision get the better of us.