The Practise of Letting Go

One of the keys to living a life you love is letting go. We accumulate and hold onto a lot through our life. Many of us cling to things that no longer serve us. If you would like a calmer, simpler life, letting go of what clouds and clutters your mind will help you feel lighter.

While doing this any time of year is beneficial, the start of the year is great since many of us like to start fresh. Letting go of the clutter and things that weigh on our mind will help us move towards our ideal vision for our life.

While physical clutter and possessions are one part of what can cause stress, mental and emotional clutter can also. It helps to go through the different areas of your life and note what is weighing you down.

  • Work: What causes a lot of stress at work? What do you dislike about your job?

  • Stories: What stories or beliefs do you cling to? What thoughts are limiting you from progressing in life? 

  • Possessions: What areas of your home are cluttered? What material possessions are causing stress?

  • Health: What foods are you eating that make you feel heavy and unhealthy?

  • Sleep: Do you feel tired all the time? Are you getting enough sleep?

  • Habits: What habits are you repeatedly doing that weigh you down and impact your life negatively? 

  • People: Who makes you feel bad about yourself or drains your energy? 

  • Finances: Are you living above your means? What expenses could be eliminated or reduced? 

If work is getting you down, then maybe it’s time to seek out a new role or job, or practice changing your thoughts towards it. While it may not be your dream job, it might suit your stage of life. But if jour job is really making you unhappy, this might be the year to change.

If your house feels cluttered, spending a weekend going through your home room-by-room and letting go of what you no longer need will help you feel more at ease. Donate, sell or trash items that no longer feel useful or create joy.

Relationships can be tricky to navigate, especially if it’s a family member or long term friend. Sometimes, we can’t always cut ties completely. We can reduce the time with them and make time for the relationships that give us energy. Or if you live with the person, perhaps seek counseling to help you work on your relationship together.

Simplifying and decluttering is more than removing unnecessary objects. It’s about letting go and creating space in your mind. Creating space will help us feel calmer within.

Doing this practise will prevent things from becoming unmanageable and creating bigger problems later in life. Whether it’s yearly or biannually, making time to let go will help you feel lighter and create space for what matters.


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